Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Amazing Article About Larry Scholl's Annual Summer Party

Here is a link to a great write-up about one of my past parties by Shannon McCabe.

Here's an excerpt from the article.

"As I looked around I was amazed at how well done the party was.  I saw costumed characters, sitting in lounge chairs, watching trashy 1960’s movies on a big screen. I saw a beautiful kidney shaped pool glowing in the darkness.  I saw people setting up a table across the pool with interesting devices.  Just as I was taking it all in, I noticed to my right, that there were some flickering lanterns on a wooden wall.  I left my group and walked past the projector screen to see what this wooden building was.  As I grew closer I saw it was a ride!  What?  There was a Disney inspired ride, complete with turtles to sit in to be taken inside to whatever was in there!  I was pretty freaked out at this point.  When I thought of trill rides I thought “maybe they have a bungee thing or a rock wall to climb?” not an actual ride like at Disneyland!  It was shocking to find out that I was going to be able to ride this Mining Mountain ride!  I was bursting with excitement."

Ghost Train Kickstarer Campaign: http://kck.st/jvXAIC


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